Tuesday, October 3, 2006

New Orchestra Types; Venture Capitalists

Another forward for you folks. This one talks about the new types of orchestras you are starting to see on the scene.

All of the artists in QUADRE are entitled to Costco memberships. Since that is the case, we all get the Coctco magazine that comes around each month. This month's issue had an article about "taking the vulture out of venture capitalists." After reading the article, I saw a great many similarities between the entrepreneur/venture capitalist and the artist/grant organization.

Quoting from the article below, I've just substituted a word here and there.

"There are three major 'lacks' in artist plan proposals that influence perceived granting organizations risk. These are: lack of management team experience, lack of an established track record for the artists' work or the artists' work lacking a marketing plan/way to disseminate their work."

Other points that jumped out:
TIMING - approach a granting organization when you can show demonstrated success
CORE AREAS - approach granting organizations that support your core area
EXPERIENCE - seek out granting organizations with a solid track record & plan
BE PATIENT - apply year after year; your persistance will pay off
BE HONEST - unethical behavior spreads quickly; all granting orgs know each other
PRE-APPROACH - Seek out connections within their organization before applying
RECOMMENDATIONS - Ask for recommendations from other artists

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